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Author: Subject: Expanded Sponsor list for IBX 2023!
Posting Freak


Posts: 3341
Registered: 16-5-2015
Location: St George, UT, USA
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Mood: Get in my buggy!

[*] posted on 20-2-2023 at 01:56 PM
Expanded Sponsor list for IBX 2023!

Momentum continues to build towards IBX 2023 and our Sponsor list continues to grow. I'm thrilled to announce the first-time addition of Born-Kites from Germany. The founder Steffen has most graciously provided a generous cash donation along with three fantastic kites for the raffle! These are the LongStar4 5.5m, the BasicStar 2.5m, and the venerable NasaStar4 4.0m. You can read more about these single-skin beauties here:


We are always looking for additional Sponsors, so if you have anybody in mind, please let us know. Also, if you have anything that's kite related that you could donate for the raffle that would be fantastic. Please hurry to our website and register fast. It's a B-I-G playa, but the best parking spaces are filling up fast!

RaceStar+ (3.0m, 5.0m, 7.0m, 9.0m)
NasaStar-5 (2.5m, 4.0m)
NasaStar-4 (2.5m)
NasaStar-3 (3.2m)

Ozone kites:
Access (6.0m)

Flysurfer Kites:
Peak-5 (2.5m)

Peter Lynn BigFoot+ nose & tail; midsection VTT rail & seat kit; home-brewed AQR

NAPKA Member US2815
SWATK Member UT0003
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Posting Freak


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Registered: 20-5-2014
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[*] posted on 20-2-2023 at 02:23 PM

That's great Steve!! Kudos to you and Stefan!

NPW Test Pilot -US99
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Location: Denvah Dahlin'
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Mood: Vapor Trails...

[*] posted on 6-3-2023 at 08:02 PM
Registration reminder for IBX

Thanks for the post Steve.

As Steve mentioned we are going to have some really good stuff at the Raffle this year. I hope everyone on the fence decides that they want to attend to have fun and win some cool stuff.

I am throwing in a new Peter Lynn kite buggy seat harness (Radical...is that what it is called?) this year.

We are also gathering good stuff in prep for next year. Rumor has it that there will be a buggy in that raffle!

Whooo whooo! Who does not need a new buggy?!


Peter Lynn - Resurrected Vapors (thanks to Tenacious Tape): 3.2, 3.8, 4.5, 5.4m. Size 2.3m (dead) - all internal bellows shredded
Pansh - Cerberus - 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.5, 9m. (red)
Peter Lynn - Viper - 2.6m
Flexifoil - Rage - Rasta 1.8, 2.5 (dead), 3.5 (dead), 4.7 (v2). New backup of 2.5m and 3.5m.
Ozone - Method 6.5m (w/ Ozone Turbo Bar)
Libre - Bora - Yellow 3.0 & 4.5 (both on their last breath of life)
Peter Lynn - C-Quad - 6.3
HQ - NPW9: 3.4 & 5.3. NPW5: 1.0

Buggies (Kite and Land)
#1 Buggy: Libre Full-Race
#2 Buggy: Peter Lynn Suspension buggy
#3 Sailer: Homemade Land Sailer
#4 Buggy: Windspeed Pro Ivanpah Buggy named Bruce (because he weighs 130 lbs!!)

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Posts: 454
Registered: 1-1-2012
Location: Denvah Dahlin'
Member Is Offline

Mood: Vapor Trails...

[*] posted on 9-3-2023 at 02:24 PM
Buggy will be given away at the IBX 2023 Raffle!!!

A very generous donation by Stan Pleskunas means that we will have a Peter Lynn Competition (looks to be XR if not XR+...know the difference?

This should get all of you "on the fence" to register and attend the event.

Raffle is only good for those that are onsite.

Best of luck to you!

Peter Lynn - Resurrected Vapors (thanks to Tenacious Tape): 3.2, 3.8, 4.5, 5.4m. Size 2.3m (dead) - all internal bellows shredded
Pansh - Cerberus - 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.5, 9m. (red)
Peter Lynn - Viper - 2.6m
Flexifoil - Rage - Rasta 1.8, 2.5 (dead), 3.5 (dead), 4.7 (v2). New backup of 2.5m and 3.5m.
Ozone - Method 6.5m (w/ Ozone Turbo Bar)
Libre - Bora - Yellow 3.0 & 4.5 (both on their last breath of life)
Peter Lynn - C-Quad - 6.3
HQ - NPW9: 3.4 & 5.3. NPW5: 1.0

Buggies (Kite and Land)
#1 Buggy: Libre Full-Race
#2 Buggy: Peter Lynn Suspension buggy
#3 Sailer: Homemade Land Sailer
#4 Buggy: Windspeed Pro Ivanpah Buggy named Bruce (because he weighs 130 lbs!!)

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