Today I went back across state lines to same lake for more. Drove thru snow squall cells, but not even a dusting.
Yesterday was actually tough because I brought up a dull pair of blade with significant limited edge control. This limits fun.
Today I went back with a new pair of freshly sharpened Softec Hockey skates. This are most comfortable skates I ever wore as the are thick foam
lined-Tongue and main putting into an inner ski boot liner... but it's a one piece design.
The wind was howling fairly regularly when I arrived..30+mph and may a few times have hit near 40, as a later gust- after returning and sitting in
car- shook my car pretty good! Overall it was 12- 35+ mph at any time. Up and down. Not a racing kite selection kind of day.
I thought it would be a gusty day by forecast. .... and had to decide how much gusty-ness and how often it would gust to determine Kite choice. 3m
low or 3m high aspect. Bigger? smaller?...
Hmmnn?.....those gusts are pretty strong I thought. After suiting up and thinking.... and after pulling out a 3m... I switched for just a 2M flow.
It would turn out to be the right choice...
There were several Kite Wing flyers again... Using smaller sails today (4m or less...instead of 5 or 6m). The gusts may have made it hard for a few.
I saw several 'take downs' from the wind and slides on torsos from the falls. One gave up. Later another.
But I had it 'dialed in', it seemed.
Sharp skates made it Soooo much more enjoyable today ..but also so did having the right kite.
Much of the day I did not hook in as a cautious safety step....a few gusts caught my full attention a bit... and though nothing happened.. I
thought, "I should unhook, maybe..'... in case, say some more gusts of 40mph-or more come along and want to yank me from the present. Hooked in I
felt fairly comfortable and safe, but just thought I would be extra safe for- not all- but many runs anyway.
I guess the thing about the 2m flow is, though it can accelerate to high speeds in high winds...... it does it more gradually than higher aspect
kites. And by it' s small size and shape..... the 'grunt'- as the say- is low. Thus... why I feel in control, and also
why I can fly
unhooked(superman style) with full pull on my arms, and do it all day practically.
A day of some fast speed runs on excellent ice.
Lessons learned:
Need to learn about my skate blade on this pair. Had some weird side wobble/flutter...a twisting from middle..... back and forth to either side at
higher speeds. This
never occurred with other pairs of skates.. must not be flat or have a weird curve throughout blade...:puzzled:
My kite line **broke late in day, and though I had another 2m(good to have back up) was late , was hungry and beat down a bit from wind chill, so
gave I packed up kite gave up.
**It may have been a blade(I don't know), but I think I need to learn that
any time a kite line snags on an edged nubbin' or sheet of ice.....
it is best not to pull it free, but take the time ( set ice screw if I have to) walk down to kite and gently pull line from ice edge. I
believe the sharp edge can damage line, and saw another half cut near the severed end. (Was it from A an unknown blade slice? a semi cut from pull
against ice nub edge?)
Ice pieces can be sharp supposedly and they apparently CAN cut:
... There is a story of a huge piece of ice that fell from a cliff in Tuckerman Ravine on Mt Washington where people hang out below slope and eat
lunch. People have been killed by being hit by ice chunk. But on this day the ice chunk hit some rocks-where they sat ..'exploded' into shrapnel and
cut many people with fresh sharp pieces of ice. No one was killed and no major injuries... but the Snow Ranger said the white snow slope had many
stains of blood spots from the people cut by ice shrapnel glancing off them. Hard to believe, I thought.
Maybe now I've decided pulling line THRU ice nubs is not best idea... maybe...