Hi All,
Something has happened over the last 24 hours which really puts things into perspective and makes the small issue this year, really seem like nothing
at all.
Ok Dean messed up, but lets be honest, is the gathering going to be any different to any other years?
Do we really spend $1000's to sit in a big tent, go to the loo or to kite with friends?
The last bit is going to be the same this year. If the club had not organised the gathering, would we all be out there kiting? Probably not.
We all just want to KITE! I cant wait for it personally, support the club taht has made this happen, and to help the club make 2014 the best yet!
A very close friend of myself & Dave has been diagnosed with Cancer, she is 22. Kinda puts the issues about the gathering into to obsolete.
PLEASE AMERICAN KITERS, you still have events, you still have people willing to help sport grow. Europe does not.
Looking forward to seeing friends and more importantly, kiting with friends. Life is too short, enjoy each moment.