Video: scoping out beach for DBBB (added second video)
My son Henry and I met up with Herb (treblehook) at East Beach to check out the hard pack for the upcoming DBBB. I finally got 2 gopro so got dual
views now. Got a total of 32GB of video to process. Here's the first look at our beach.
btw .. my first chance to actually learn to fly my Coopers.
Originally posted by Bigbear97e
sounds like young Henry was having a blast
I agree. LOL. "I LIKE DOING THIS" and "GO FASTER." Two of the best phrases I've heard on a kite video. Sounds like he is ready for his own buggy and
kite. Also what kite were you using van. Looked fast but all i could see was red and white.
go fly a kite trainer 1.4 m
thunderfoil 9 ft.
Flexi sting 1.7m
Ozone flow 2.0 m
PL Vapor 3.2 m
Ozone Flow 5 m
PLVapor 6.5 m
frenzy 14.0 m
That video looks great with 2 camers! You had a good idea there. Now how do I get one of thoes Henry's for my co-pilot? Looks like you had a great
time! Wish i were there......
that was my Cooper 4.5m . I was way under power especially with the extra weight of the seat and henry on my rear axle. Wind was only about 6-8mph
in the morning so was nice and safe for henry to tag along. The wind finally picked up to about 17 - 20 later in the afternoon so it was a much
better run. I will post that video up tonight. I plan to do a 3D shoot to see how it works.
chad .. that's why I got that second gopro from you. Always wanted to do the picture in picture view.
the beach has a few poles here and there that you have to go through but on the long runs , the pole groupings are about 1 mile apart. They are only
densed near the DBBB campground. The sand in that area is kinda wet right now. You will see what I mean in my second video.