kteguru - 8-11-2023 at 06:02 PM
I just got in from a great day at Nahant. Wind was 18 -28 mph from the west and I hit a new personal best of 50.5 mph.

There must be some 50 mph magic going on lately :smug::smug:
Especially since we only have one fan 

jantie - 9-11-2023 at 04:21 AM
nice going Kteguru..!!!!
what kite did you use??

kteguru - 9-11-2023 at 06:17 AM
I was using a 7m tube. It's an older Switch Nitro, 4th gen I think. I felt like Redsky cannonballing through the downwind section of the beach 
Jack.Oh - 10-11-2023 at 06:23 AM
I see you switch out the tires.
Did you ever try the balancing beads in the other tires?
kteguru - 10-11-2023 at 06:38 AM
Hey Jack! Haven't seen you in a while. Hope you guys had a good time at Wildwood last month. How did Daniel do with his new buggy?
I did switch out the tires. I couldn't get the other ones to balance well. These are much better but still not perfect even when balanced with
weights. I may change tires again or shave these a bit to correct the issue. I think it's just luck whether or not you get round tires now a days

. I guess
I should be happy they didn't send square ones 
RedSky - 11-11-2023 at 03:02 AM
:bouncy: Excellent news!! Great to hear. 
Note to self: This is what happens when you make it your mission to get out more often.
What was your previous PB?
Setting a new record is such a great feeling, especially when you start a new set of tens but even more so I'd imagine when you've built the bug
Which beach were you riding at Nahant? Looking on Google Maps, you have Long Beach running north-south and Tudor Beach, east-west.
I'm assuming Long Beach.
Nice way the end the year. Of course, it's not over until the fat lady sings, still got two whole months of winter winds. 
kteguru - 11-11-2023 at 07:54 AM
Thanks Tom! My previous PB was 48 mph I think. We generally don't get the winds necessary to get much above 50mph or if we do that turns out to be
the day I'm busy with something else. I've been spending more time on my tubes though and although I'm not sure if they're any faster across the wind
they definitely shine when you can cannonball downwind at the angle you need. I found it interesting that it actually feels slower going faster when
you find the perfect angle to the wind since you're not fighting the sideways pull of the kite.
Yes, I was at Long Beach. With the harbor on one side and the Atlantic on the other we usually get pretty decent winds.
I'm getting out whenever I can now getting everything ready for Ivanpah 2024!:wee:
bugymangp - 12-11-2023 at 06:51 PM
Very good
My best speed is 54.7 done years ago
I always wanted to hit 60 but never got there
To me hitting 60 is like going 100 to 200 in a car
Going 60 should be your next goal
kteguru - 12-11-2023 at 07:42 PM
I'm hoping the wind will be good to us in Primm when we go and 60 or more will be possible 

bugymangp - 13-11-2023 at 04:14 AM
In the 10 years I went there we always had good luck
With wind only got washed out with rain once