Power Kite Forum

Great Sacandaga Lake Challenge

Jack.Oh - 7-1-2022 at 08:34 AM

Continued from:


Jack.Oh - 7-1-2022 at 09:03 AM

Jeff, I had not tried to snow kite before. I did not really have any equipment for it, as I don't ski or snowboard. There really is not much room in Twinsburg or Aurora.... There are a few soccer fields but to get farm land you have to drive out a ways. And then it is mostly corn fields. Witch I hear are not great on tires. So then the smaller lakes around have not frozen enough to walk on in a few years. I actually live in a private lake community (Aurora Shores) and few guys I know here have Land Sail Boards with skis on them and as of last year I also have one. However there has not been enough ice in the past like five years to get out on the lake.

Jack.Oh - 7-1-2022 at 09:23 AM

Dean, if you don't have time to finish your new Ice Buggy. Can you still use the Flexifoil Buggy you have? I know I asked to borrow the skis, but I have what to ride. I will bring my Land Sail Board. I have skis for it I will get it out and take some pics( I will post some here).

I also have a mountain board with skis. (here is a pic)

Ski board small.jpg - 47kB I can try to kite with it.

And I am working on a set of skis for a buggy also, I don't know if I will finish these up in time for this season.

The point is don't feel rushed to get the new Ice Buggy done. If you have the Flexi to ride.

jeffnyc - 7-1-2022 at 11:54 AM

Yeah, now I remember growing up out there the lakes/streams never really froze like they do here. Which made me super nervous the first time I went to Sacandaga and everyone was driving their trucks and Jeeps out on the ice like it was nothing. I do recall a couple parks in ohio that we would sled at that had some open spots, but overall, lots and lots of trees.
I would recommend getting a super cheap snowboard or pair of skis off Craigslist or eBay or Goodwill. Whatever you're comfortable with, snowboard if you ever plan on going on water, skis if you're more used to those. I keep finding snowboards here people toss out. Long and straight is best, I use an ancient Burton floater. If you're not going to do it very often it's not even necessary to get snowboard boots, just strap in with what you have.
I haven't seen anyone land sail here, but some folks wing. I can't see that mountain board of yours being very good for snow kiting, as you have to keep on edge to stay upwind. Great for a downwinder, but the walk back in the snow is brutal (ask me how I know )
Just checked the ice fish site, looks like 4-6" over all GSL. Sunday/Monday should be good wind and snow, get down here! :D

Jack.Oh - 10-1-2022 at 02:28 PM

Sorry to post a reply late.

Man if only I could have! But it is a bit busy here for me for the next few weeks. This weekend we (my sons, Kyle and Tyler, and I) worked on their cars. I know, I am not a car guy eather. Also, put together the snow buggy minus skis... working on skis this week. This coming weekend Kyle and I are replacing the headlights and tail lights in his car, I mean the whole headlight and tail light assembly. I know not a car! And work has been busy also, Customers just want stuff done ASAP.

But I am planing on getting down there this season. I will post some updates of the skis for the buggy. I think I am going to go with snow mobile skis.