I've created an album on Google Photos of the pictures I took while I was at the bash on Saturday. I'll be posting the link here and on the Facebook
group as well. If anyone has trouble with the link, let me know and I'll get it sorted. There are a bunch of animations in the album and I was also
experimenting with a new cloning app for the first time. I should have been using a tripod for them, but I still managed a few good ones. Hope you
guys enjoy them and it was great seeing all again, as well as meeting some new faces.
Also, once again, a huge thanks to Tibi, Craig, and Stephane for letting me "steal" your gear and go for a ride. I do believe it was the first time in
three years I had been back in a buggy.
I wish there was a way to tag each person so we can put a name to face?
I've gone and added everyone's name on their pictures, it should show at the bottom of the picture when viewed. There are a few names that I did not
know, so if anyone can help me out, it would be appreciated. Thanks!jrhook - 29-4-2018 at 09:25 AM
It was a quick semi-solo couple of days...but what a clock cleaning that can be when conditions are good. Jean Louis...missed hearing back from you
with the email you gave me...if anyone knows how to reach him, thanks. Great engine there mister!
So, you just set a high water mark for a buggy event photo montage in my book. The mix of stills, animations, and yes, the b&w's (particularly
liked those) set the mood. Now I just need to figure out how to bookmark your google page so I can show my friends when they ask about this weird
thing we do! mougl - 18-5-2018 at 08:27 PM
Some amazing shots there!!! I really need to talk the wife into going to WWBB!