Power Kite Forum

Hardwater Kiting Global Speed Ranking '17 Week 5 Results.

Feyd - 7-2-2017 at 11:05 AM

Week 5! Pretty interesting speeds this week. Those speedy guys in Quebec are still owning the top spots (Guy with 63.5mph and Marcel with 58.59 mph) but we have Ronny, a rider from Norway in the top 3 this week on a Peak 1 with 50mph!

And the speeds for everyone in the field have never been so close!!! 3 different ties for 3 of the positions. Some of them narrowly missing being 4 way ties.

Great work out there everyone!!! Keep those entries coming!

For full results....


Cheddarhead - 7-2-2017 at 06:43 PM

I've had the wind curse lately. Only good wind has been on my work days. Still putting on miles and having fun, so can't complain much:D

Memopad - 7-2-2017 at 08:36 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Cheddarhead  
I've had the wind curse lately. Only good wind has been on my work days. Still putting on miles and having fun, so can't complain much:D

You need a shiny new 18m chrono v2, that's what all the cool kids are flying these days :evil:

Feyd - 8-2-2017 at 04:02 AM


And as I described Memo, low wind doesn't mean low speed with that kite. Over 3x the windspeed for you in your submission. It's pretty nuts what these kites can do.

Memopad - 8-2-2017 at 06:33 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Feyd  

And as I described Memo, low wind doesn't mean low speed with that kite. Over 3x the windspeed for you in your submission. It's pretty nuts what these kites can do.

I keep thinking my measurements are wrong when I get that kind of spread between wind speed and my speed but I think it really is accurate. I'm using a decent wind meter (Kestrel 1000) and a nice garmin gps (also confirmed with my phone as gps).

I'm still trying to find the fastest point of sail with the kite. I'll hook in to a gust, sheet in, and start falling off the wind until my downwind angle is about the same as my upwind tack, and that seems to be the best. I think that's also right around the transition between edging my skis and starting to let them lay flat on the snow. I really haven't played around with it much yet.

I'd love a gps tracker that could match speeds to different parts of your track on the map. I'm sure the data is recorded by the garmin somehow, just gotta figure out how to extract it :)