Power Kite Forum

weather station

early bird2 - 9-4-2015 at 04:18 AM

Hi ! I'd like to get a weather station , only Wind , temperature and Wind chill would be enough , also easy to read , huge numbers , I'm not getting any younger.
I had one many years ago , they don't last and the Wireless ones are batteries eaters and lots of work to get to and install fresh batteries.

So I wondered if anyone would share what is the most reliable and long lasting weather station they experimented .


acampbell - 9-4-2015 at 09:47 AM

talk to the folks at http://www.ambientweather.com/

It's what they do for a living. I've used them for hand-held gear, but I know that they deal with hobby, education, science, industry and government.

1oldkid - 9-4-2015 at 10:07 AM

These folks here might have something that would work for you. We used these for 30+ years where I retired from (research farm) we used the solar powered style. They have LOTS of stuff...and it can get pricey, depending on your budget.


I bought my Dad an Acu-Rite brand from Kings or Walmart 15 years ago and he has liked it...it wasn't very expensive ($~80 and did all the basic stuff including wind)
but couldn't tell you how the battery consumption is, I've never asked him that...

indigo_wolf - 9-4-2015 at 03:20 PM

Quote: Originally posted by 1oldkid  

I bought my Dad an Acu-Rite brand from Kings or Walmart 15 years ago and he has liked it...it wasn't very expensive ($~80 and did all the basic stuff including wind)
but couldn't tell you how the battery consumption is, I've never asked him that...

Again if your budget allows the mid-tier Davis units have remote stations that are solar powered with a lithium battery backup so there's less need to feed to volt monster.


Morrie Williams - 9-4-2015 at 05:06 PM

I'm on my 3rd Davis VantagePro 2 in almost 18 yrs. http://www.rainbowsendcam.com/index.htm . My conditions are a little more sever being right on the edge of the north pacific. I've had to replace anamometers and humidity sensors several times due to the salt air and high winds. The solar cell works great for keeping things going.

early bird2 - 10-4-2015 at 04:45 AM

Thanks for your help ! this is very appreciated.

The Davis Vantage Pro 2 looks like the one I'd like to own. But this is almost $1000 , so way over my budget for the moment , I have others priority. I will probably try to find a good quality's airport windsock for this summer unless I find something more affordable. But if more affordable means a device that will break on me within a month I might be better with a windsock.

acampbell - 10-4-2015 at 09:44 AM

Peter Lynn makes a decent affordable wind sock.

They are easy and cheap to make too.