Power Kite Forum

Skeena River - B.C., Canada

cgee - 11-12-2012 at 11:09 AM

Hi All,
With the summer drawing to a close I finally remembered to bring my camera along to our favourite kite spot and I thought I would share a day of kiting in Northern BC with you.
The lower Skeena River is a tidally influenced estuary with spectacularly consistent winds.
This zone has wonderful learning and land boarding space at low tide and as the tide rises, features such as grassy islands, and channels, begin to form up.
In the main channel the the water is typically calm while the tide is coming in and and as it is receding the swell easily reaches 2+ metres. Channels closer to shore allow the more conservative rider to enjoy the same strong wind but with out the swell and waves.
Beyond the jaw dropping scenery, the zone has numerous grassy islands to jump over (or in my case, land in the middle of), glassy flat channels to rip through and a cool camping spot to spend the night.
Oh...did I mention the natural hotsprings that are accessible only by kite (or boat)?
Our local crackbook page is called Coastal Kites and should provide contact info for local hardcores and some wind/weather links. The best wind is a westerly inflow. Look for high pressure with a temp differential of 5 or more degrees between Terrace and Prince Rupert. (terrace being warmer)
Why, you might ask, would I share our secret spot? Well, it is in the middle of nowhere...1600 kms by road from Vancouver and like everywhere the wind can be fickle.
If you come, don't plan on calling home (or for help) as there is no cell service at the kite spot.
If you happen to be up here, or coming for reasons other than kiting, be sure to bring your gear for you will be blown away. A 9 or 10 metre would be ideal but the wind has been to the point that I (185lbs) found a 5 metre more than enough.

skeena kiting2.jpg - 238kB

cgee - 11-12-2012 at 11:10 AM

Thought I would put up another photo.

kiteskeena1.jpg - 44kB

cgee - 11-12-2012 at 11:11 AM

...or two.

skeenakite3.jpg - 50kB