Power Kite Forum

Upcoming Washington State/Oregon Events

Morrie Williams - 15-4-2012 at 04:20 PM

Hi Everyone,

Please mark the following dates on your calendar:

NAPKA 2012 #1, Apr 21-23, Pacific Beach, WA
Work Kite Museum, Apr 21-22, Long Beach, WA (tentative)
NAPKA 2012 #2, May 19-21, Long Beach, WA
Quincy Kite Festival, May 26-28, Quincy, WA
SBBB 2012, May 26-Jun 03, Sunset Beach, OR
NAPKA 2012 #3, Jun 22-24, Grayland Beach, WA
NAPKA 2012 #4, Jun 30-Jul 02, Pacific Beach, WA
NAPKA 2012 #5, Jul 20-22, Grayland Beach, WA
NAPKA 2012 #6, Aug 18-20, Long Beach, WA
Washington State International Kite Festival, Aug 21-26, Long Beach, WA (tentative)
SOBB 2012, Sep 01-09, Sunset Beach, OR

Please note that at this time ALL Washington events are BUGGIES, BOARDS & SKATES ONLY!
Until the Blokart group renews their insurance and files with state parks, there will be NO Blokarts at our events.

Hope to see you at some of these events!

Morrie Williams – US86

PistolPete - 15-4-2012 at 08:34 PM

:tumble: :roll: :tumble: :roll: :tumble: :roll: :tumble: :roll: :tumble: :roll: :tumble: :roll: :tumble: :roll: :tumble: :roll: :tumble: :roll: :tumble:

flyjump - 15-4-2012 at 08:46 PM

Hey morrie, what about landboards? I want to head out there sometime and ride this year

bigkid - 15-4-2012 at 09:32 PM

Originally posted by flyjump
Hey morrie, what about landboards? I want to head out there sometime and ride this year

If you are a member of NAPKA, you and your board are more than welcome.:thumbup:
If you are not a member of NAPKA, join anyway.:wink2:

fletcht - 16-4-2012 at 09:00 AM

Must be a member of NAPKA to ride, numbers on buggy's and helmet. Also remember that Washington State parks and Law Enforcement will be enforcing the 25 mile per hour speed limit. (When they are out there)

stetson05 - 16-4-2012 at 03:16 PM

Originally posted by bigkid
Originally posted by flyjump
Hey morrie, what about landboards? I want to head out there sometime and ride this year

If you are a member of NAPKA, you and your board are more than welcome.:thumbup:
If you are not a member of NAPKA, join anyway.:wink2:

So boards are allowed. Great! I thought for some reason they weren't. I am hoping for the July dates.

fletcht - 19-4-2012 at 03:18 PM

Weekend of April 21-22!

We have two Washington Beaches open for buggies.
North Beach near Copalis and Long Beach Town Center off Sid Snyder approach.

The Long Beach event is in conjunction with the World Kite Museum, show casing Wind Powered vehicles. This is more of a show and tell, ride demonstrate give tandem rides etc. It is a good opportunity since it is right downtown Long Beach in the same area as the WSIKF.

So come out a join us.

fletcht - 20-4-2012 at 11:02 PM

Notice! For the Long Beach event State Parks as asked that we don't start flying until after 10am. This is because it is a clam dig weekend. They are letting g us out there However. The beach is solid well above the high tide mark so if the wind is moving should be good flying.

So sleep in and come out later. I'll be hauling my stuff out around 9:00.

buggeyed - 10-6-2012 at 08:36 PM

I'm booked for the 30th at Pacific Beach.Be there Sat - Mon.

fletcht - 14-6-2012 at 03:00 PM

I'm booked for the 30th at Pacific Beach.Be there Sat - Mon.

Hope to be there also.

Morrie Williams - 19-6-2012 at 07:33 AM

Just a quick reminder of upcoming NAPKA Washington state dates:

Jun 22-24, Grayland Beach, WA

Tides for Grayland Beach, WA starting with June 22, 2012.

Day High Tide Height Sunrise Moon Time % Moon
/Low Time Feet Sunset Visible
F 22 High 2:43 AM 8.8 5:22 AM Rise 8:39 AM 4
22 Low 9:20 AM -1.3 9:15 PM Set 11:01 PM
22 High 4:13 PM 7.5
22 Low 9:26 PM 2.6
Sa 23 High 3:23 AM 8.3 5:22 AM Rise 9:47 AM 10
23 Low 9:56 AM -1.1 9:15 PM Set 11:28 PM
23 High 4:50 PM 7.6
23 Low 10:12 PM 2.4
Su 24 High 4:07 AM 7.9 5:23 AM Rise 10:55 AM 17
24 Low 10:34 AM -0.7 9:15 PM Set 11:53 PM
24 High 5:28 PM 7.8
24 Low 11:05 PM 2.2

Jun 30-Jul 02, Pacific Beach, WA

Tides for Pacific Beach, WA starting with June 30, 2012.

Day High Tide Height Sunrise Moon Time % Moon
/Low Time Feet Sunset Visible
Sa 30 Low 4:13 AM -0.7 5:25 AM Set 2:30 AM 79
30 High 10:40 AM 5.8 9:17 PM Rise 6:17 PM
30 Low 3:49 PM 2.3
30 High 10:05 PM 8.8
Su 1 Low 5:10 AM -1.4 5:25 AM Set 3:20 AM 88
1 High 11:44 AM 6.2 9:17 PM Rise 7:24 PM
1 Low 4:52 PM 2.3
1 High 11:01 PM 9.1
M 2 Low 6:03 AM -2.0 5:26 AM Set 4:21 AM 94
2 High 12:40 PM 6.6 9:16 PM Rise 8:22 PM
2 Low 5:51 PM 2.2
2 High 11:55 PM 9.2

bigkid - 19-6-2012 at 10:41 AM

Thanks Morrie, see ya at both.

RonH - 25-6-2012 at 10:55 AM

Where do you guys stay at pacific beach?

I might be able to make it!


Morrie Williams - 25-6-2012 at 12:15 PM

Several of us stay at the state park with our RV's. Others stay at local motels and B&B. Some go north to Moclips for accommodations. Gerald's been here several times, ask him where he stayed.

buggeyed - 25-6-2012 at 06:59 PM

We,re booked at the Sanddollar Inn ,there is also Pacific Beach Inn .Here,s a link for lodging http://www.pacificbeachwa.com/lodging.htm

We should arrive early afternoon on Sat. Are we meeting at the usual spot on the beach?

bigkid - 25-6-2012 at 09:20 PM

Originally posted by buggeyed
Are we meeting at the usual spot on the beach?

Why YES we are.
At least I will park the home there and buggy to the far reaches of the beach, weather permitting.:smilegrin:

fletcht - 30-6-2012 at 10:32 PM

Ok guys, gals two more days at Pacific Beach. Winds are forecasted to be better then today. This afternoon was great with lots of beach. Winds were from the NW 8m to 6m. Whatever that calculates out to. Had 8 ? Kites in the sky today. See you all tomorrow.

arkay - 1-7-2012 at 09:56 AM

post some pics! I've always wanted to get up that far north on the WA coast but haven't managed to. Unfortunately my schedule this year has not allowed me to hit up the napka events :( Pretty bummed. I can count the number of times I've been out post nabx on two hands.

RonH - 3-7-2012 at 04:49 PM

Had a great time at Pacific Beach!

Weather cooperated enough for 2 days of buggying. Onshore wind enough to go hard upwind and then a nice run back down the beach. :spin:

Really want to thank Evans for pushing through the red tape to make these events happen. Hopefully the beaches will get opened to buggying without having a permit. Until then, keep up the great work.

I'll have to check out my couple of pics and post them later.

Thanks to Jeff for flying the Canadian flag for us on July 1st!


Morrie Williams - 13-7-2012 at 07:07 AM

The following is just a test, DO NOT respond!!!

Test email3

bigkid - 13-7-2012 at 07:30 AM

Originally posted by RonH
.....Thanks to Jeff for flying the Canadian flag for us on July 1st!

You are most welcomed. You will have to thank, BladeRunner for forgetting his flag at NABX.
My wife said some guy was taking a picture of me up on the roof of the RV, I laughed and told her it wasn't me, you were taking a pic of the flag.:thumbup:

Will have to find out when to fly the Aussie flag, Nocando? :lol:

dirtslide - 23-7-2012 at 12:08 PM

had a great weekend at Grayland ,thanks to all for sharing that wonderful beach, I will be back soon .

bigkid - 23-7-2012 at 05:22 PM

Originally posted by dirtslide
had a great weekend at Grayland ,thanks to all for sharing that wonderful beach, I will be back soon .

everyone left early Sunday. rode up to Bonge twice with the 8m. perfect west wind. the 8 was a bit much at times as the 25mph was hard to get down to but my smaller kites left earlier in the day.
Had my first great run with the Flexboard up and down the beach with the 10m Century, still shaking from the run as I went from the hard pack up and over the gunk to the soft sand. lost the board half way BUT LANDED ON MY FEET.:wee: asked Renee if she saw it and she said she just woke up.:no: Yep Ken, it was a good weekend,
anyone up for Longbeach next weekend and North beach the following weekend?(those are PNWBA events)

USA_Eli_A - 23-7-2012 at 09:34 PM

Thanks Morrie! Thanks for the UPDATES!

Missed it....Plan on Long Beach!!

crazyherb - 23-7-2012 at 10:16 PM

Sorry I missed ya'll at Ocean Shores...family stuff came up.
There's been some really cool....WIDE beach low tides here at Cranberry Approach....good if the wind goes a bit North (pun intended)...

Few days ago I was jumping a nice tide pool/creek thingy (not sure what the term is)....fun...if you miss you get wet....

C'mon down....maybe you'll witness one of my first "GPS Speedo recorded" speed runs with the Flexboardz....
