Power Kite Forum

Help about plywood kiteboard

mikellli - 29-1-2012 at 06:24 AM

Hello everyone.
I'd like to make a plywood kiteboard, but I have few dilemma. My weight is 95kg (210lbs). The first problem is that the kite HQ Neo2 8m, which is how I found out after buying a small for my weight. Now, what size board should be in order to compensate for the smole size of the kite? Otherwise I am an absolute beginner on the water. I would also like to mention that winds are not bad here.

Thanks in advance.

bigkahuna - 29-1-2012 at 06:42 AM

That kite is -way- too small for a plyboard. Try to find a big surfboard 9+ feet in length. But even that will be very challenging for a noob to get started with. For your weight you'd want something like a 12-14m and go out in 15-20 mph winds if you want to use an average sized plyboard.

mikellli - 29-1-2012 at 07:43 AM

It's just disappointing. Could I go kitesurfing with a more serious board such as spleen monster door or Flydoor XL???


bigkahuna - 29-1-2012 at 08:26 AM

I weigh 240 and I don't pull out my 10m unless it's over 25 mph, so my guess is that you'd need 22+ mph to be properly powered with an 8m. That's pretty strong wind for a noob to learn with. Possible? Maybe but not how I would recommend you start out. Ideal situation is relatively flat water and 15-20 mph for a beginner and for those conditions you'll probably need a 12-15m.

PHREERIDER - 29-1-2012 at 08:53 AM

the wind will be furious to use that kite, won't be newbie friendly indeed, BK.

wide like 42-45cm and some concave on the bottom or it WILL BE too slippery for newbie

length like 145-148cm... AND a bigger kite 14m tube

keep flying what u have and get a water drag and water start lesson.

buy used find what you like THEN you spend $ OR time making one

tridude - 29-1-2012 at 09:05 AM

BK and Phree are right on the $$$................Id learn to drag on the 8m then look for a 14-17m used tube then build a ply door..................this shouldnt cost you more than $300-$400 .................:lol::duh::

who put you on an 8m foil to learn on water by the way..........Id steer clear of them................

mikellli - 29-1-2012 at 11:59 AM

I know what to do. Cheapest way is to throw myself on a diet and lose 30 kilos. :wee:

When I bought the kite I have not consulted with anyone. And I never thought that I would use it on the water. You see, first kite I bought it Scout2 5m, who really pulls nice on snow. Then I remember :o that I have a lake a hundred meters from my house, which is ideal for kitesurfing. (few kilometers in diameter and 1,2 m deep). So based on the power of first kite I made poor estimate that 8m2 would be enough. Now my wife wants to kill me at the very mention of buying another kite. :smilegrin:

bigkahuna - 29-1-2012 at 12:57 PM

How about a kite-boat? Get your hands on a beat up Hobie cat and use that on the lake. :)

Houston AirHead - 29-1-2012 at 02:26 PM

buy a big liquid force Proof....get the 161

Kamikuza - 29-1-2012 at 05:20 PM

8m Neo, Flydoor XL - 40 knots plus.

Get a divorce, buy new gear :yes:

burritobandit - 29-1-2012 at 05:39 PM

+1 for Flydoor XL

stetson05 - 29-1-2012 at 09:16 PM

Sorry this is a little late but don't get too upset about the 8m Neo. The bottom end of mine at 205lbs with a 145x48 board is about 23mph. With the same board it tops out at about 33-35mph. I could probably ride a little longer with a smaller board but I am not sure how much. I have a couple of videos of me riding in I would guess arround 26 mph winds 2 summers ago before I really learned to ride. Like said earlier, learn to body drag with it and work your way up. I can buggy with it on grass in about 15mph winds but that is a rough estimate. Learn to fly it well while you bide your time till you can get a bigger kite for lower winds. Good luck!

mikellli - 30-1-2012 at 11:01 AM

Thanks everyone for their advice. I will listen Stecon05 and practice on my Neo2, and later buy a larger kite. And I might try to sell the kites, and buy larger one. Maybe HQ Matrixx 12m, because I got used to foil kite.

mikellli - 9-5-2012 at 02:34 AM

Does anyone can tell me, is there any kind of rocker on the Spleene DOOR or is it COMPLETELY flat???
On the net I find completely different infos, so if anyone have this board please help :puzzled: